

Institute for Youth Development Representatives Present Their Activities at “Strengthening Independent Media” Meeting

The general 2014 elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina being on the doorstep, the USAID project, Strengthening Independent Media, organised a meeting for the...


Public Call for Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Incentives in FBiH

The Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts announced a public call for selecting beneficiaries of Current transfer funds – grants in 2014....


Young Generations Taught About Importance of Buying Domestic Products

The Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA hosted Admir Kapo, from the association Kupujmo i koristimo doma?e (Buy and Use Domestic Products). The topic...


Lecture Held on Phenomenon of Fasting in Different Religions

Last night SPAJALICA hosted a lecture on the phenomenon of fasting, which is present in many different religions all around the world. The...


Council of Ministers Given 6 Months for Providing Overview of Efficiency Audit Reports Recommendations Implementation

During the 36th session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, the...


Construction Work on House of Hatipaša Bili? Completed

The funds collected through individual donations and international donors were used to complete the construction work on the house of Hatipaša Bili?. During...


Initiatives for Aiding Real Sector at Session of Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Budget

During the last session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, discussions included the Proposal law on...


The School of Friendship at River Bosna Headwaters

Participants of The School of Friendship had a lovely day today, out in the beautiful nature of the popular Sarajevo picnic ground –...


Institute Participates in Developing Action Plan Adopted by Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers of BiH decided on adopting the 2014 – 2017 Action plan for the UNSCR 1325 implementation. The Institute for...