Politika prema mladima

Politika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

FBiH Youth Strategy: Opportunity for Better Systemic Youth Care

In October 2023, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Decision on initiating the development of the Youth Strategy...

Politika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

City of Srebrenik Adopts Youth Strategy Draft Proving Commitment to Supporting Young People

Today, the Srebrenik City Council reaffirmed its commitment to addressing youth issues by adopting the Draft Youth Strategy with an action plan for...

Politika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

Coordinating Body and Working Groups Meet Again to Draft Youth Policy of the City of Banja Luka

During their latest meeting, the Coordination Body and working groups continued drafting the youth policy of the City of Banja Luka. At the...

Politika prema mladimaStrategije prema mladima

Key Goals and Measures Defined for Youth Strategy of Brčko District of BiH

The Department for Professional and Administrative Affairs of the Government of Brčko District and the Council of Youth of Brčko District, with support...