
August Youth Counseling

After last month’s successful Youth Counseling, we are scheduling a new session on Saturday, 13 August at SPAJALICA. It will be held from...


Mozilla Representatives at SPAJALICA

Representatives of Mozilla Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina visited the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA.  During their visit, Mozilla was introduced with the...


Express Solidarity – Donate Blood!

Employees of the Institute for Youth Development KULT had the opportunity on 15 July to participate in voluntary action of donating blood. The...


The School of Friendship Finishes Its Annual Activities

The School of Friendship finished its annual activities last week. After spending time together for 9 months and organising almost 160 workshops with...


Chance for Better Life for Them and Yourself

According to the numerous scientific researches, the best manner to improve the lives of children with disabilities is to enable them to communicate...


Youth Counseling

What is counseling? Counseling is a form of support provided usually by psychologists or experts from related professions with focus or specialisation of an...


Did You Attend Municipality of IlidĹľa Youth Day?

Traditionally, for the 6th time, organised by the volunteers of the Institute for Youth Development KULT and with the support of the Municipality of...


Support to Unemployed Women

Funds from the Intervention Fund for Female Enterpreneurship, that will be used to start the self-employment process for at least four unemployed women,...


Regional Volunteerism Seminar

South Eastern European Youth Network (SEEYN) organised a five-day regional seminar in Sarajevo on the topic South-Eastern Europen Youth for 2011 European Volunteering...