

Change in Working Hours of SPAJALICA

The Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA will have different working hours during August.  Because of vacations, the Center will be open from 8...


EU Integration as Better Environment for Youth Entrepreneurship

BY: M.Sc. Ajka Baru?i?, Institute for Youth Development KULT The majority of the BiH public may not be aware that the EU –...


A Lot of Talk and Very Little Money for Tourism

Although tourism is often touted as one of the most promising sectors in BiH, that could bringn BiH significant profit and generate jobs...


New Sports Fields for Citizens of BuĹľim

The Association of Youth of BuĹľim completed the activity of arranging the sports fields. The arrangement works were performed as a part of...


How to Write Quality Public Calls for Youth Projects?

The Second Module of Youth Officers Training is in course. The topics of the second module revolve around writing a quality public call...


Numerous Citizens Celebrated the 8th Birthday of Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA

The Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA celebrated its 8th birthday on Sunday, August 28, 2016. The birthday party of SPAJALICA was attended by...


Birthday Celebration with Activities and Fun

The Educational-Leisure Center for Youth SPAJALICA will celebrate its 8th birthday on Sunday, August 28, 2016. For all the visitors, the members of...


Photo Contest Winner: Youth Must Change Our Situation by Being Active

Abdulkadir Berbi? is the winner of the photo contest “Show You Can, Show You Know” organized by the Institute for Youth Development KULT...