

Mreža Brana

About Project During 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina was affected by natural disasters that caused devastating floods and landslides that destroyed the infrastructure, houses...


UMiD Online

The Institute for Youth Development KULT, with the support of UNDEF, through the UMiD Online initiative, will provide an opportunity for at least 1500 young people from all...



This Project incorporates three parts: Info-Point for Youth, peer education and an interactive method Let’s Sail Together! Info-Point for Youth was officially opened...


The School of Friendship

The School of Friendship is aimed at 3rd and 4th grade children of all elementary schools in the Ilidža municipality.  Through engaging in...


We Answer Your Questions About Youth Worker Training

The public call for the Expert Youth Work Associates training is open until 20 March, 2018, by 5 pm. Expert Youth Work Associates...


UMiD – Learn, Think, Act!

A one-year training program for youth leaders for their active involvement in the community and the world of business. As a part of...


Support to youth in FBiH

In July 2012, the Institute for Youth Development KULT signed an agreement on cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Sports and Culture. The...