

Council of Europe: Recommendation on Youth Work

The Council of Europe adopted the Recommendation on Youth Work last year, and the Institute for Youth Developement KULT translated it into the...


On Youth (Self-)Employment in BiH

Youth employment was the topic of the first meeting of the Forum on youth (self-)employment in BiH, which was held in Sarajevo, on...


Youth Helping Youth: Small Actions Developing Local Communities

Regional schools in Bratač, Kićino Selo and Odžak in the municipality Nevesinje will soon have new front yards. Youth from the association “Svjetlost”...


Empowering Students Through Practical Work in Companies

Emina Krnjić, one of the Institute for Youth Development KULT’s scholarship holders, was awarded a certificate during the final ceremony of the STEP...


On the Importance of Innovation for SMEs

  The Enterprise Europe Network held a presentation in Sarajevo, on 10 May 2018, focused on the importance of innovation for small and...


Success in BiH: Mission (Im)possible?

Nejra Neimarlija Roić will tell the participants of the Youth Speak Forum the story of the success and obstacles faced by the Institute...


Youth Building an Oasis of Peace

The excursion site “Točak” (eng. Wheel) will be turned into an oasis of peace thanks to young enthusiasts and the association “Zeleni vrh”...


Small Hands Do Big Work Together

Little hands do big work together! – this is the motto of the people in Vukoslavlje, who show the importance of willpower and...


Participants Selected for Expert Youth Associate Training

The Selection Committee evaluated the applications to the Public Call for Expert Youth Associate Training and selected the participants of the training that...