

Gender-Sensitive Language – Linguistic and Political Issue

“Language can be unlearned, just as it can be learned” (dr. Sandra Zlotrg) Gender-sensitive language is a gender-sensitive policy which contributes to reducing...


The Institute Is Participating In the Preparation of the B+20 Report

The Institute for Youth Development KULT is one of the non-governmental partners to the Agency for Gender Equality in the making of the...


School Teams Prepare for Red Cross Competition

Today, on April 18, 2014, SPAJALICA hosted preparations for the Cantonal First Aid Competition, which will be held next weekend, on April 26,...


Session of Committee for Finance and Budget – PA House of Representatives

The 51st session of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, was held on Monday, April 14, 2014,...


Cooperation Agreement Signed by Institute and Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports

The Agreement of Cooperation between the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, was signed on the...


One Step Closer to Federal Youth Ministry – Posavina Founds Umbrella Youth Organisation

On April 12, 2014, the Youth Council of Posavina Canton held its founding assembly. The Council consists of three municipal youth councils: Domaljevac-Ĺ amac...


The School of Friendship

The School of Friendship is widening the scope of its activities every day. The number of participants has recently doubled, we have lots...


A Woman Car Mechanic as a Symbol of Equality

We keep repeting that we bear no prejudice for others. We repeat that, but we never actually wonder what prejudice really is.  


European Youth Summit: 100 for the Next 100 in the Danube Region Future. Together. Europe.

Europe is yet again at the crossroads as it was 100 years ago. Sarajevo will yet again be the centre of world’s attention...