

UMiD Summer School

Communication, empowerment and human rights were some of the topics within the summer school part of “Learn, Think and Act!” training for the...


Hadžikadić – We Are the Ones Forcing Youth to Leave

Youth are not leaving because they want to, we are forcing them to go – said Mirsad Hadžikadić, independent presidential candidate during Coffee...


Do We Need Socio-Economic Reforms?

What are the key tasks of the future government? This question was the focus of a discussion on the need to continue socio-economic...


Fate of BiH Is In Hands of Youth, Says Lijanović During Coffee Time With…

On October 7, youth will hold the fate of the country in their hands, said presidential candidate Jerko Ivanović Lijanović, from Narodna stranka...


Different Problems, Similar Challenges – From Stockholm to Sarajevo

When I first moved to Sarajevo I asked my roommate, a Swedish girl who had been living in Sarajevo for the past six...


UMiD – Resolving Conflict is Easy, We Learned How

Conflict resolution was the topic of the ninth module of the UMID – Learn, Think and Act! training for Generation 13, attended by...


How Well Do We Care for the 700,000 Young People in BiH?

“How well do we care for youth” is the question the Institute for Youth Development KULT is asking on August 12 – International...


Public Calls for Funding Small Projects

USAID, through the PRO-Future project and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, are issuing a Public Call for funding small projects.  The Pro-Future...


Public Call for Submitting Project Proposals for NGOs # 17.01.0-N2.1-1341

1. Text of the Public Call 2. Online form for submitting documentation STAGE 1 3. OBR-NPP Concept Note 4. OBR-IZP Statement of Partnership 5. Criteria for evaluating project proposals PHASE...