Students from University of Nebraska at Kearney Visit KULT and SPAJALICA

Students from the University of Nebraska and the Professor of History Carol S. Lilly visited the Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA, as part of a study visit entitled the War and Gender organised by the History Department at this University. Moreover, the History Department is one of the leading and most notable at the University of Nebraska, Kearney. The guests from Nebraska were hosted by the Association INFOTEKA from Zenica which is engaged in youth work, primarily representing the rights of women and girls in BiH. They visited SPAJALICA and KULT in order to become informed of the activities and achieved results, the position of youth in BiH, the position of women in the NGO sector and the education system, the cross-national youth dialogue, being particularly interested in the future vision from the perspective of young girls from our country. Presentation of the BEEHIVE project, which was completed by the end of the last year, was extremely useful. This Project was directed towards strengthen youth female leaders in youth organisations from 12 municipalities in BiH. Pleased with the visit, hospitality and information obtained while socialising with KULT’s employees, the students and the Professor Lilly headed towards the city centre for a sightseeing tour.


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