Primary school students from IlidĹľa Municipality participated in the workshop entitled Pedagogy of Experience and Environment. During the workshop, through educational-entertaining teambuilding games, the students were introduced to psychoactive substances. Addiction factors were discussed, as well as peer influence and in that manner the primary school students were introduced to addiction as one of the greatest youth issues.
The workshop was held by representatives of the Institute for Youth Development KULT, representatives of the XY Association and of the SHL at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA as a part of the JUPPO Project – expert training and structural networking as the key actors in preventing addiction in BiH.
The project is being realised by the association for preventing addiction NARKO-NO from Sarajevo.
JUPPO Project responds to youth requirements through modules for training youth workers and networking key actors in preventing addiction in BiH. Modules and workshops respond to the questions of how to protect children and youth from all over BiH from addiction, violence and self-destructive behavior. JUPPO Project will be realised through seven educational modules lasting for 4-5 days each and held by international experts. 18 participants from all over BiH will adopt expert and pedagogic competences for practical working with youth in the field of preventing addiction. Organisations and institutions of participants will form a non-formal network to become a profiled partner to those who make decisions concerning improvement of conditions for raising children and youth in a society with no addiction and violent behavior.
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