Over 120 Young People Interested in Institute’s Activities

STARfest, the first career development festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was a resounding success. The event provided young people with a diverse program, including over 50 exhibitors, 30 inspiring speakers, educational workshops, and a wealth of information on the job market, job opportunities, scholarships, and training.

The Institute for Youth Development KULT actively participated in this event – our employees enjoyed two days engaging with young people and familiarizing them with the Institute’s programs and opportunities we offer. This exchange of information, opinions, and interests is expected to pave the way for new opportunities for young people.

Starfest 2

The questions from the young people were diverse, reflecting their interests. They were particularly curious about the Institute’s training programs, the knowledge they could gain, how to participate in these programs, and how to get detailed information about the Institute’s work and opportunities in the future. Over these two days, more than 120 young people expressed interest in the Institute for Youth Development KULT’s programs and showed interest in participating in its future activities.

Some young attendees who have participated in the Institute’s events expressed their eagerness to join future activities.

Participating in STARfest provided the Institute with an excellent opportunity to connect with numerous young people and potential partners and collaborators interested in working together to build a better future for youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

STARfest took place on March 31st and April 1st, 2023, and proved to be a positive experience for both exhibitors and the young attendees who found valuable opportunities at the event.

The Institute eagerly anticipates future activities involving the young people who visited us at STARfest and showed interest in our work, and we look forward to new partnerships and collaborations!

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