In today’s world, it is hard to imagine life without money. Can money buy everything? What should we do when we do not have enough money or is it possible to have too much money? Apart from the living costs, household budgets, economy… money brings some less visible but significant values, challenges, constraints and temptations. What are your attitudes towards money, what does money mean to you, what does it represent to you?
You can ask for the answers to these and similar questions upon attending the counseling session for young people scheduled to take place at the Educational-Leisure Centre for Youth SPAJALICA, on Saturday, 22 September 2012, from 13.00 to 15.00 hours.
The counseling services are free of charge, but it would be a good thing if you could bring 2BAM that we might need for the purpose of doing an interesting exercise.
Please, confirm your participation by sending an email to or by calling 637 290.
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