Evaluation organizations

Evaluation organizationsStrengthening of organizational capacities

Support Is Key – This Program Defined Our Path

That there are people whose dedication and open arms mean so much to the community. EKO EHO – Center for Education and Promotion...

Evaluation organizationsStrengthening of organizational capacities

RAMA Rowing Club: “We’d be lost without the club – it’s part of our identity”

After a busy day at the Neretva regatta in Metković, where they won one gold, two silver, and three bronze medals, claiming first...

Evaluation organizationsStrengthening of organizational capacities

Association “Dignitet” From Mostar – Colorful Wings of a Young Butterfly

The Association ‘Dignitet’ from Mostar was founded three years ago, born out of the desire and need of long-time activists. One day, they...

Evaluation organizationsStrengthening of organizational capacities

Center “Koraci nade” Tuzla – a Story of Love and Success

“There’s a house full of love in Tuzla…” is the opening line of the anthem of the Center for children with multiple disabilities...