
Coopeartive VolunteeringVolunteering

Corporate Volunteering: “If Everyone Did…” Institute Donates 120+ Hours to Community

Last week, employees of the Institute for Youth Development KULT dedicated a work day to volunteering. For the third consecutive year, the Institute...

Volunteering ProgramsYouth Work

Reflecting on ROUTE WB6 Pilot Program in BiH

The piloting phase of the ROUTE WB6 scheme, a regional cross-border volunteer exchange program, is coming to an end. As a partner and...

VolunteeringYouth Work

Institute Celebrates International Volunteer Day With Corporate Volunteering

The staff of the Institute for Youth Development KULT celebrated  International Volunteer Day in the most fitting pursuit – volunteering. This decision was driven by the...

VolunteeringYouth Work

Institute Hosts Event “Volunteer Now for Our Common Future”

In celebration of International Volunteer Day, the Institute for Youth Development KULT organized a conference called “Volunteer now for our common future.”

VolunteeringYouth Work

ROUTE WB6 Volunteers Help With 16th Pravo Ljudski Film Festival on Solidarity

Pravo Ljudski Film Festival is another partner of the  Institute for Youth Development KULT in the implementation of the cross-border volunteer exchange program ROUTE WB6 in Bosnia...

VolunteeringYouth Work

OC Zdravo da ste Welcomes ROUTE WB6 Volunteers

After Sarajevo, Banja Luka is the next city to welcome ROUTE WB6 volunteers. By signing a cooperation agreement with the Institute for Youth...

VolunteeringYouth Work

NARKO – NE First Association to Pilot ROUTE WB6 MAXI Scheme in BiH

By signing a cooperation agreement with the Institute for Youth Development KULT, the Association for Addiction Prevention NARKO-NE became the first volunteering organizer...

VolunteeringYouth Work

Online Info Session on Monday for ROUTE WB6 Volunteers

After more than a hundred young people spent the summer volunteering in partner organizations in Albania, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, the ROUTE...

VolunteeringYouth Work

Be a ROUTE WB6 Volunteer This Fall!

After an exciting summer of testing the  ROUTE WB6 MINI scheme with 100 young volunteers from the Western Balkans who volunteered at various...