We’re celebrating International Youth Day in Bihać by taking the first step in developing high-quality youth policies. The City of Bihać is starting work on a five-year youth strategy.
A meeting was held in Bihać with working groups that will develop a youth strategy in partnership with the Institute for Youth Development KULT. Despite August being a popular vacation month, the strong response from representatives of both governmental and non-governmental organizations demonstrates the level of interest in ensuring that the young people of Bihać have a document that will guide all future activities for youth.
Young people also have their representatives in working groups, and their voices will be heard thanks to the ongoing survey on the position and needs of young people in Bihać, which is conducted by the Institute for Youth Development KULT in cooperation with the Center for Sustainable Development (COR). This survey will be the source of insights and data that will inform the action plan for the youth strategy.
“The City of Bihać is drawing on all our available capacities to ensure we adopt our youth strategy soon so we can use it as a guide in our work with and for young people. Complying with the Law on Youth is important; however, what’s even more crucial is understanding what young people need and using that knowledge to design programs and activities they will benefit from. We want to involve young people in decision-making processes, engage them in dialogue, and make sure that we adapt our approaches to their current needs and problems”, said Alisa Mahmutagić, mayor’s assistant for general and social affairs.
The youth strategy will encompass areas such as education, employment, health and social care, culture, sports, activism, mobility, information and youth safety.
The youth strategy is a document developed by government institutions. The FBiH Law on Youth requires all levels of government in the FBiH to have youth strategies.
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