Active Employment Policies in BiH Analysis Presented

Conference entitled “Reforms and Employment: State and Perspectives” was held in Sarajevo on June 23, 2016.

The conference was attended by representatives of legal and executive government, resource institutions and facilities, political agents, civil society organizations, employers’ associations and unions, academic community, international and diplomatic representatives and the media, and the aim was to create a summary of the realization and efficiency of the reforms initiated during the previous year, primarily through the Reform Agenda. During the conference, open dialogue was used to contribute to a better understanding of the planned, the expected and the implemented reforms and  to focus on effective and measurable outcomes, primarily for the purpose of opening new workplaces.   

The Civic Initiative Centers (CCIs) recently published a detailed report entitled “The State of the Nation” that provides a precise overview of the implementation of the Reform Agenda at different levels of government as well as a review of effects on the business climate and competitiveness, the labor market, social and pension policy, public finances, public administration and rule of law and the influence of all the above on the state of the living standard of citizens.

Also, parallel to the monitoring of implementation and effectiveness of the Reform Agenda, the CCIs also prepared a framework analysis of the active employment policies in BiH that premiered during this conference to become an additional incentive to discussion and recommendations towards more effective policies of opening new workplaces which is one of the primary aims of the Reform Agenda.  

During the conference, it was emphasized that it is praise-worthy that the reform processes and Reform Agenda were agreed upon and coordinated at all levels of authority in BiH, but that the implementation dynamics was still at a modest level. The participants also made criticized the technical difficulties in the realization of the Provision on Employment Incentives. The necessity of realizing the measure referring to the separation of the obligatory health insurance from the function of employment mediation was also evaluated as urgent.

The conference, organized by the CCIs, was attended by a representative of the Institute for Youth Development KULT.


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