4th Session of Commission on Finance and Budget of Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples

The Commission on Finance and Budget of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples adopted a report on conducted efficiency audit on the topic: “Allocation and use of current reserve funds”, including recommendations. In addition  to the report, the Commission also adopted a conclusion suggesting that the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples instruct the Council of Ministers to report to the Commission within 90 days on the activities planned and conducted towards implementing the recommendations provided in this report, and to inform the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH about the aforementioned activities.

The Commission adopted the Report on efficiency audit on the topic: “Placement of professional military personnel in the Ministry of Defense of BiH”, including recommendations. Along with the report, the Commission adopted a conclusion proposing that the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH instruct the Ministry of Defense of BiH to notify the Commission within 90 days about the activities planned and conducted towards implementing the recommendations provided in the report, and to inform the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH about the aforementioned activities.

The Commission also supported the report on activities of the Audit Office for the Institutions of BiH for 2014. After discussing the legal options offered under Article 6 of the Audit Law and the obligation of revising the Annual and financial report of the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH, the Commission adopted a conclusion instructing the Commission’s Secretary’s Office to inquire into the possibility of hiring an independent auditing company to revise the financial report of the Audit Office, set approximate/market prices for the work conducted by independent auditing companies for reviewing financial operations, and report back to the Commission as soon as possible.

They also supported the quarterly financial report of the Audit Office of the Institution of BiH.

The Commission noted the memo received from the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH regarding the issue of securing permanent premises for this office.

The Commission also noted the Information provided by the Secretary’s Office on the implementation of conclusions with regards to the adoption of the Report on efficiency audits for the following topics: “Prerequisites for the efficient work of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption”, “Managing service contracts and temporary and occasional service contracts in the institutions of BiH” and “Telecommunication solutions in the institutions of BiH”. The Commission also adopted a conclusion requesting that the Council of Ministers, the ministries and other institutions of BiH that have not entirely abided by the recommendations of the House of Peoples regarding the aforementioned efficiency audit reports inform the Commission within 40 days, via the Audit Office, about the activities planned and implemented. The Commission also instructed the Audit Office to submit a comprehensive information to the Commission with regards to the implementation of this conclusion during one of the following sessions.

During the discussion on activities of seven institutions who received audit reports with qualified opinion for 2013, the Commission also considered the possibility of visiting those institutions. However, due to a lack of time and the upcoming auditor’s reports for 201, the Commission adopted and sent a conclusion requesting that the institutions notify the Commission in writing, in 15 days at most, about the activities implemented since the Commission adopted individual conclusions after reviewing the audit reports of the institutions of BiH for 2013, started with those adopted during the 41st session of the Parliamentary Assembly’s House of Peoples held on September 10, 2014, ending with May 30, 2015. The Commission with discuss the data submitted to them, along with the reports of the Audit office on the financial operations of the institutions of BiH for the 2014 budget year.  

More information and additional documents available here.


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