Month: August 2023

Grant ManagementYouth Work

Sharing Experiences to Build a Stronger BiH Youth Sector

The Institute for Youth Development KULT  organized an event called ExCHANGE – Sharing Experiences to Build a Stronger BiH Youth Sector. This event provided...

Youth Work

Community Activism Summer Camp – What Have We Learned?

The Community Activism Summer Camp has finished, and we are still processing all the impressions, good ideas and new information. We had fun,...

Support to Government InstitutionsYouth Strategies

Cooperation Aimed at Improving Opportunities for Young People in Sarajevo Canton

The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Sarajevo Canton held a meeting where they discussed...

Human RightsYouth Work

29th SFF: It was like a movie, I feel like a movie star!

“It was like a movie and I feel like a movie star.” “These past five days have been enriching!” “I am grateful for every moment,...

Patnership with Government

What Is Corruption Costing Us in BiH?

The 2021 Survey on the position of young people in BiH by the Institute for Youth Development KULT revealed that over 50 percent...

Youth Work

Institute for Youth Development KULT and RYCO: You(th) Can Lead!

In the run-up to International Youth Day, a series of events were organized to explore solutions to the various challenges faced by young...

Partnership with Government

Ahead of International Youth Day: City of Bihać Developing Youth Strategy

We’re celebrating International Youth Day in Bihać by taking the first step in developing high-quality youth policies. The City of Bihać is starting...

Youth Work

Volunteering: Opportunities Mean Change for Youth

Although they have vastly different high school experiences, plans, and aspirations, Hana Salkić and Emina Sarajčić, who joined the Institute as volunteers a...

Strengthening of organizational capacitiesTraining

We Share Some Tips for Successful Monitoring of Project Performance

The Institute for Youth Development KULT held the fourth NGO MeetUp on the topic of the importance of robust monitoring of project performance....