For years, the Institute for Youth Development KULT has been celebrating Orange Day, 25th day of each month, to draw attention to the...
Byadmin26.02.2020Youth policy is a comprehensive collection of institutional mechanisms for governmental care for youth. During the third module, the 15th generation of the...
Byadmin12.02.2020Ismar Lačević is the young entrepreneur behind Adam – a digital alternative to the conventional printed business card. Adam is more than a...
Byadmin10.02.2020Basic Training and Certification of Youth Officers in BiH Public Call 17.01.0-N2.1-4601 The Institute for Youth Development KULT is issuing a Public call...
Byadmin10.02.2020Ismar Lačević je mladi preduzetnik koji je razvio digitalnu biznis karticu pod nazivom Adam, kao zamjenu tradicionalnoj printanoj biznis kartici. Adam predstavlja i...
Byadmin07.02.2020Today, the Institute hosted a meeting with representatives of the Vlasenica Municipality, to discuss how to improve prospects for youth in this local...
Byadmin04.02.2020This weekend, Learn, Think and Act for Young Political Leaders, Generation 18 had their first module. The topic of this module was teamwork...
Byadmin04.02.2020Public call 19.02.0-N2.1-9 About UMiD Kids – Learn, Think and Act! Training for Kids The Institute for Youth Development KULT has been implementing...