Month: October 2019

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Apply! It’s time for a new generation of the Learn, Think and Act! training!

Public call for the one-year Learn, Think and Act! training for young leaders Generation 15 Call ref. number: 17.01.0-N2.1-4082 WHO CAN APPLY? – Young...

Grant ManagementSupport through grants

A Man of Action

He is a physical education teacher working in two primary schools, president of the society of PE teachers in his town, the head...


Institute for Youth Development KULT and RYCO Sign Memorandum of Understanding

SARAJEVO – The Institute for Youth Development KULT and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on October...

Youth PolicyYouth Strategies

Second Meeting of Working Group for Developing Youth Strategy in Visoko

According to 2018 estimates of the Federal Bureau for Statistics, there are 8,206 young people living in Visoko. Youth account for 21% of...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

Busovača: Youth Show They Can Bring Change

Busovača hosted the first sports manifestation “Days of Culture and Sports”, with more than 360 participating children and youth. Local clubs took this...

Training and Workshops for Youth LeadersYouth Work

We Developed Youth Workers’ Social Skills

The third module of the Training for Expert Youth Work Associates, more commonly known as Youth Workers, was focused on social skills. Training...

Grant ManagementSupport through grants

Istočno Novo Sarajevo: INclusion as the Road to Equality

The Cultural Center of Istočno Novo Sarajevo hosted an unusual crafts bazaar, displaying the results of the project “Be Naturally INclusive”, supported by...

MentoringStrengthening of organizational capacities

Local Communities Show They Can Do Better! USAID and Institute Provide Support

Trebinje is now cleaner, thanks to the support of USAID and the Institute for Youth Development KULT, provided through the localworks initiative. Božo...

Grant ManagementWork with Partners

Call for PRO-Future Small Grants Published – Apply Now!

Grants for initiatives that contribute to the reconciliation process, build trust in BiH, advocate for peace, promote a common vision for a stable...